FOUR FEATHERS PRESS ONLINE EDITION: POINTS AND LINES Send up to three poems on the subject of or at least mentioning the words point and/or line, totaling up to 150 lines in length, in the body of an email message or attached in a Word file to by 11:59 PM PST on November 17th. No PDF's please. Color artwork is also desired. Please send in JPG form. No late submissions accepted. Poets and artists published in Four Feathers Press Online Edition: Points and Lines will be published online and will be invited to read at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, November 18th between 3 and 5 pm PST.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Gary Justice

A loss for words

When you walk into the room

I find myself at a loss for words

I mean, I can engage in the common banter,

small talk, or throw down some game.

But that is not where I am coming from

Expression eludes me as I try to express the who and what

you are to me, which is deeper than my alphabet can speak.

Centuries of song and poems, Images of stone and canvas,

have only captured a moment of the passion of being in our moment.

Only heartbeats speak through silk of skin;

The expression of my six senses

speak volumes of you into the infinite silence of night,

as I admire the eloquence of your slumber.

Your eyes speak kinetic energy to me,

and dimple lines in your cheek dancing a song of recognition

We have always known.

How can you put words into this?

Woman, I have been waiting for you

Since I arose from the depths and took my first breath.

I feel the other half of we that has always been inside of me.

We dance like Gardens of Eden.

Ignite our tribal fires.

Rising embers

ascending beings of light

How can words express this?

How can words express….?

How …….?

You only need to look

into these eyes……

to hear me…….

Satan Spoke

Satan.... spoke....

In beautiful lies

and Beelzebub says

in these times of our lives

Oh Lucifer claimed

you can have it your way

And the Grim Reaper... laughed...

you have a nice day

The Angels did call

I could... not... deny

It was all too real

I just couldn’t... comply

Resisting the reality,

every fiber of my bein'

so blind in the darkness

For Light of Reason

and Craving to dance

with Dionysus' treasure

Desire... my... queen...?

for a moment of pleasure?

The Passion consumed

on this wild... wild... ride

an appetitive for corruption

that’s never ever... satisfied

Oh please?... dance... my puppets...

to seduce... the muse

For the tales I twist

and the dignity I lose

Genius... writes... volumes...

of the same damn lines

of Love for lust

and the criminal minds

Though the Angel... she spoke...

in her voice of forever

While the brilliant... young.. fools...

try so hard to be clever

Ain't no... angels or devils...

or lies to believe

nor the twisted riddles

in games... we deceive...

Of the spirit and the flesh

from the garden of Eden

Take a bite of apple...

of seduction and treason

To thee and thou lies

in the never and ever

Complicit and willful

in our... illicit... endeavor

OH!... Satan tried... with his

Beautiful lies....

But the mirror reflects...

What's truly... in... your... eyes!


Hopeful horizons

write silver

lined clouds

against the azure.

Come tomorrow,

let us shine brightly!

To shed old beliefs

and habits like leaves.

So that new growth can begin.

And the heavens opened up

exhale of indigo and azure

above the primordial

dance of DNA

every cells portending

awakening consciousness

through the expanse of

all that ever was

and ever would be

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