FOUR FEATHERS PRESS ONLINE EDITION: POINTS AND LINES Send up to three poems on the subject of or at least mentioning the words point and/or line, totaling up to 150 lines in length, in the body of an email message or attached in a Word file to by 11:59 PM PST on November 17th. No PDF's please. Color artwork is also desired. Please send in JPG form. No late submissions accepted. Poets and artists published in Four Feathers Press Online Edition: Points and Lines will be published online and will be invited to read at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, November 18th between 3 and 5 pm PST.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

CLS Sandoval

Never At Ease 


Perhaps it would be better as a mindless automaton, 

Than to actually grasp what is going on. 

Maybe it is best for further my heart to sink, 

Than to have to analyze and deeply think. 


The more I break down in this lifetime, 

The more I feel that what I have done is a crime. 

Each day my past becomes even more real, 

And this burning is all that I can feel. 


I have found that I am utterly useless, 

And existence is nothing more than pointless. 

Each moment, I reflect upon mistakes I have made, 

And through my misery, I incessantly wade. 


My mind spins around, deconstructing too much, 

And I will do anything to resist human touch. 

I look forward to my very last breath, 

That time when I can finally eternally rest.   

The Metaphor that Wished He Was a Simile 

Just as I have selected a blank page 

I discover a big black ink blot between the lines 

We’re only separated by a table and two coffee mugs 

And we’re oceans apart 

The photos record each look, every hidden glance 

Between my audio and your visual, there is a reality we will both manage to miss 

You’re sitting back, delicately observing 

As if I’m perfectly pirouetting on Pointe 

I’m actually an elephant in high heels 

Attempting to sit on a tiny red footstool 

My tutu is sagging and you keep complimenting my sense of style 

I could just say, “you’re everything” 

But I must protect my heart 

You’re taking these moments too lightly or maybe a little too deep 

We’re speaking so smoothly 

Flawlessly articulating a performance that can never actually sustain 

My heart is a pile of glass shards 

Yours might be, too 

All we need is to find the one with the matching jagged edges  

To make ourselves whole once more 

I opened one more wound 

Just to prove I’m willing to love again 

The tornados are churning and all you suggest is we close the blinds 

We’re reaching for each other and you’re threatening to just walk away 

The last thing I want to do waste your time 

The anticipation built as I combed my hair 

Chatted nervously about you with my best friend 

Carefully selected the outfit that would never reveal that I carefully selected it 

And I waited 

You never came 

Behind your smiling and my razor-sharp wit 

There are magnets locking, and you keep forcing them apart 

I deleted your words just in time for you to invade my dreams once more 

I want nothing more than for you to earn your second chance 

Of course, I never stick with a metaphor long enough to warrant a response  

Worth It 

We humans make things so damn complicated.   

Why do we pursue degrees and fill our lives  

with relationships and work or anything at all?   

What is the point?   

Who cares what happens in this life anyhow?   

You leave just the way you started:   

naked, helpless, with nothing to offer.   

What is there to motivate us but the King Himself?   

How are we to compare to Him?   

Why has God put us here?   

Why should we care?   

We bear our to-do lists, accomplish what we can,  

make a little money, and then go broke.   

Why even try?   

Maybe we should all just praise God then die.   

Why not?   

I have found Christ who is worth dying for.   

I have always said that I wanted to be someone’s wife,  

raise his children,  

and grow old in his arms.   

But why?   

Honestly, what good would come of that?   

Perhaps the secret is finding someone worth living for.   

I guess I’ll be as patient as I can and wait to see who’s worth it. 

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